Ecommerce SEO Checklist For Growing Brands


August 7, 2023
Ecommerce SEO Checklist For Growing Brands

Success in the fiercely cutthroat world of e-commerce depends on your ability to stand out from the crowd. While having a beautiful website and providing excellent customer service are important, they are useless if your brand is not accessible online.

Enter search engine optimization (SEO), a powerful tool that propels ecommerce businesses forward by increasing exposure and driving organic traffic. In this article, we offer a comprehensive ecommerce SEO checklist to assist aspirational companies in navigating this challenging environment.

This thorough manual offers a tactical road map for success, covering everything from on-page SEO, through content, technical SEO, off-page, and local SEO.

Let’s dive in!

A complete eCommerce SEO checklist that includes eCommerce SEO basics, On-page eCommerce SEO, SEO content, Technical eCommerce SEO, Off-page SEO, and Local SEO eCommerce.

Download the checklist here.

Ecommerce SEO basics checklist

To understand what you need from SEO as an ecommerce store, we need to start from the basics. They are:

  • Keyword research–You need to know the most relevant keywords that align with your messaging, products, target customers, and search intents to optimize your website.
  • User-friendly website–Make your website's structure logical and clear so that search engines can efficiently crawl and index your content.
  • Mobile-friendly store–To provide a superior user experience across all devices, optimize your site's functionality, design, and load speeds.
  • High-quality content–Write comprehensive product descriptions and optimized blog articles, and include multimedia components like photographs and videos.
  • On-page optimization–By including targeted keywords into page names, meta descriptions, headers, and the body of the text, you will optimize your product and category pages.
  • Speed optimization–A site that loads quickly improves user experience and boosts your search engine ranking.
  • Technical SEO–Pay attention to technical factors like optimizing your robots.txt file, establishing XML sitemaps, correcting broken links, and adopting structured data markup.

On-page ecommerce SEO checklist

Now, let’s move on to on-page SEO, which you can optimize by simply editing your website.

  • Keyword placement–Use the target keywords in the page names, headers, URL structures, and overall content.
  • Meta tags–Optimize your meta tags by creating catchy meta titles and summaries that appropriately reflect the information on the page and encourage people to click.
  • Optimized images–Reduce file sizes, employing evocative alt tags and making sure they load quickly.
  • Clear URLs–URLs should be keyword-rick and descriptive so that both users and search engines can easily interpret the information on the page.
  • Internal links–Use smart internal links to direct readers and search engines to the right pages on your website.
  • Content format–To organize your material and make it scannable and simple to read, use headings (H1, H2, etc.), bullet points, and paragraphs.
  • Implement user reviews–Allow user reviews and ratings to strengthen the legitimacy and offer social proof for your products.

SEO Content checklist

Now, let’s take a look at what SEO-optimized content looks like.

  • Attention-grabbing headlines–Headlines should persuade readers to click while correctly reflecting the purpose of the
  • High-quality content–Provide original, educational content that benefits your target audience and sets you apart from rivals.
  • Readability–To improve readability, use clear, succinct phrases, divide text into paragraphs, and use headings and bullet points.
  • Keyword optimization–Use target keywords seamlessly in all text parts, including the body, headers, and subheadings.
  • Different media formats–To improve your material's visual appeal and engagement, use pertinent photos, videos, infographics, and other media types.
  • Internal and external links–Add reliable outbound links to other websites in your content, and strategically link to significant internal sections on your website.
  • Add user-generated content–To increase trustworthiness and engagement, promote user-generated material like reviews, testimonials, and comments.
  • Update frequently–Make sure your material is always updated and refreshed to reflect your niche's most recent news and trends.

Technical ecommerce SEO checklist

Only editing your website content isn’t enough. To fully optimize your ecommerce store for search engines, you need to edit code and do some other technical stuff:

  • Optimize website speed–Reduce the time it takes for pages to load by reducing the size of images, minifying code, using caching, and employing content delivery networks (CDNs).
  • Mobile responsiveness–Make sure your website is responsive and mobile-friendly so that users can access it easily on various devices and screen sizes.
  • XML sitemap–Build and submit an XML sitemap to search engines to improve the crawling and indexing of the pages on your website.
  • Robots.txt Optimization–Optimize the robots.txt file to instruct search engine crawlers and list the pages that should be indexed.
  • Canonical tags–Use canonical tags to identify the preferable version of duplicate material and steer clear of any potential problems with it.
  • SSL certificate–Protect your website with an SSL certificate to create a secure, encrypted connection that will increase user confidence and search engine results.
  • Structured data markup–Add structured data markup using to provide search engines more context and enhance how rich snippets are shown in search results.
  • 404 errors–To create a user-friendly experience and aid users in returning to the correct content, customize and optimize your 404 error page.

Off-page SEO checklist

Your website isn’t the only thing you need to optimize for search engines. Your overall brand presence on other platforms is also essential. Here are some activities to consider:

  • Link building–To raise your website's authority and search engine rankings, obtain high-quality backlinks from reliable and valuable websites.
  • Guest blogging–Write pieces as a guest on respected blogs and websites in your field, linking to your website either in the author bio or the material itself.
  • Social media–Engage your audience on social media sites by publishing relevant content, answering comments, and increasing the exposure of your business.
  • Collaborate with influencers–Use influencers or subject matter experts to promote your business, goods, or content to raise exposure and increase traffic.
  • Build your online reputation–Monitoring and maintaining your brand's online reputation involves responding to user reviews, handling critical comments, and showcasing good recommendations.
  • Social listening–Track online mentions of your company's name and products and interact with individuals talking about them to create buzz and foster connections.
  • PR coverage–To increase brand authority and create backlinks from reliable sources, look for possibilities for press coverage and media mentions.

These points can help you expand your brand's online presence, build valuable connections, and improve your website's authority and visibility in search engine results pages, ultimately driving more traffic and growing your ecommerce business.

Local SEO Ecommerce checklist

If you’re a local business, this is a checklist you should pay attention to. Do these things to boost your presence in your local geographical area:

  • Google Business–Establish and optimize your Google My Business listing, ensuring it has correct and recent information about your online store, such as its address, phone number, and operating hours.
  • NAP consistency: Verify that the Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) for your company are the same on your website, in references, and in all online directories.
  • Local keywords–Find significant local keywords related to your e-commerce niche and include them in your website's text, meta tags, and headers.
  • Online reviews–Encourage clients to submit reviews online on sites like Google Business, Yelp, and sector-specific review sites since good evaluations may improve your business's local exposure and reputation.
  • Local link building–To increase your local authority, look for possibilities to get backlinks from local websites and communities.
  • Local content–Write articles, guides, or other content specific to your target regions, emphasizing regional events, landmarks, or news that will appeal to your audience in that area.
  • Local ad targeting–Using location-specific keywords and targeting choices, geotargeted pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns may help you advertise your e-commerce company to nearby clients.

You can improve your online presence for local exposure, bring in local clients, and grow your ecommerce business inside your desired geographic region by using this local SEO ecommerce checklist.

Ecommerce SEO is one of the critical growth tactics for your online success. Build a strong foundation for your brand's exposure and generate organic traffic by following the tactics listed in this checklist.

Each element is critical in boosting your brand's online visibility, from adopting technical SEO and optimizing on-page aspects to utilizing off-page strategies and emphasizing local SEO. Remember that SEO is a continuous process that demands adjusting to market trends and algorithm adjustments.

You can position your ecommerce company for growth and unrivaled online success by embracing this checklist and staying ahead of the curve. Use SEO to its full potential, engage your target market, and watch your e-commerce firm flourish online.

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